Add Team Type for Balancing Teams

13 votes

There is a Strategy Type for Balancing Strategy when a team chooses to pursue either a combined focus of I&A and P&P, or R&D and T&EE objectives. However, a Balancing Team Type does not exist. Currently a team that is spread across I&A and P&P would show as an Adapting Team, but the strengths and cautions don't resonate. In fact, there is an inherent tension in a 'Balancing' Team that is not typically felt in an Adapting Team that may lead to increased conflict (we've seen this in a few clients). The same is true with a team spread across R&D and T&EE. It would be great if the Team Types matched the Strategy Types for consistency. It would also address these scenarios and add the ability to make decisions to align if the team has chosen to pursue a Balancing Strategy. Taking it one step further, there would be two sets of strengths and cautions for a Balancing Team Type, one for each 'cross-quadrant' scenario as they are inherently different as well.

Under Consideration 2.0 Design Optimization Suggested by: Cindy Moran Upvoted: 16 Jan Comments: 1

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